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AFBA. Ashila. Christina. Dalton. Fanaa. Hazly. Hazziq. Jennie. Joey. Jun an. Jonathan. Liyana. Lutfi. May Chin. Shakila. Sharifah. Syadariena. Suhaila. W35M.


Tuesday, April 28, 2009

okay,so thw skool like aredi started last week and like wth,all my modules all got maths n got circuit.not funny ehs.like this can die.like just now lesson like freaking tired and i had to do a circuit.den got do alot of mistake sumore.haiyo.but neverminla.had the course and PP talk.walau must hand up the project scope by 16 may-.- mati uh gini.besides PP,i have 4 days of maths modules,o,lvl maths,IG(JIVE).i tell u uhs i tink if i manage to hold on uhs,i tink it will be a miracle.haha,btw just now got the sla fiesta thingy at skool.like walked around and met ALOT of familiar faces.haha,it was okay la the thing.i signed up for JIVE because SHAKILA SUHADAH ASKED ME to join.haha like mcm kene pakse,but nvrmind.i wanna get done with all the thingy.ouhsya,i think there is like a similarity between sharifah and farhana.these two uhs,i tell u uhs they like sometimes randomly laugh tk tentu psl.haha,and got a whole lo of other things,but i very nice boy i dun share over here.haha k slmat uh ehs.haha and i hope i can blog like again soon,haha.sometimes like penats,so tk larats.....


{/10:54 PM}
car crash love

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

okay,so i haven't been updating this blog as much to date.but i think i would like to blog and update after my gf reminded me to.anways the holidays has been a drag up until today.and the 'o' level appliction started yesterday and i think i should get up and start learning maths soon.i feel that i would have alot more headaches these coming year due to the modules im taking.but i would hang on.and i miss my gf alot somehow.it has been raining these past few days.not concurrently,but like a few days.its getting cold and warm and my nose is not liking it.neother does my stomach.(my gf noes wat im toking about)anyways,

someone so old sia XD

and like i wanna say sori to gf for like wanting to blog tstdy,but i didnt i blogged today.lols does that even make sense.

{/2:28 AM}
car crash love

Thursday, March 5, 2009

k got a new blogskin.actually not new uh since i used it before.but i wanted to re-use as it is nice and that i wanted to rewrite wat is over this blogskin.u noe those kind that u hav alot of memories on and those that are on this blogskin before is not nice.and credits to my gf for helping=)).anw,im retaking my o's maths this year.and i want to do well for it.i also love my gf alot=)).and i want to change to be a better bf for u kay?

{/1:50 AM}
car crash love

Saturday, February 7, 2009

1.) I love you who who you are
2.)I love the way you play with your hair
3.)I love it when you tie you hair
4.)I love it when you fiddle with my hair
5.)I love it when you get all angry over me when i do not listen to you
6.)I love you as you are cute
7.)I love it when you smile
8.)I love it when you make funny sounds
9.)I love it when you make teddy's voice
10.)I love it when you look worried when i'm sick
11.)I love it when you are worried when i'm sick
12.)I love it when you merajok as it is cute
13.)I love it when you massage me when i'm hurt
14.)I love it when you are shiok sendiri
15.)I found love in you which i did not in other girls
16.)I love you as you always come up with lame jokes(but mine is better)
17.)I love listening to your stories
18.)Look at your eyes when you are telling your stories
19.)I love the way you talk
20.)I love it when you giggle
21.)I love it when you hug me tight
22.)I love it when you tell me to not let go
23.)I love it when you tell me 'I Love You'
24.)I love it when you love me
25.)You are my girlfriend
26.)I love it when you take pictures of yourself
27.)When you walk infront at me and look back at me
28.)When you lie on me
29.)I love it when you look at me
30.)When you smile at me
31.)I love you alot<3
32.)You have a cute smelly pillow named suzzie
33.)You always made my day with your presence
34.)I like to smell you
35.)I love it when you wear long skirts
36.)I love it when you wear yellow
37.)I love to watch you eat
38.)I love to make you smile
39.)I love to look at you and think to myself
40.)I love it when you make cute voices with bears
41.)I love you when you walk alone in front of me while I just look
42.)I love standing close to you in the mrt
43.)I love to meet you
44.) I love to miss you
45.)I love to watch you eat cookies
46.)I love to see your face brightened up when we walk past an arcade
47.) I love it when you sulk and wait for me to calm you
48.) I love to make you happy
49.) I love to look at you while your sleeping
50.) I love to watch clouds with you
51.)I love going to the beach with you
52.)I love hugging you when its cold
53.)I love comforting you

{/4:22 AM}
car crash love


after a webcam with her,i suddenly felt low on my inner depths.it struck me hard.her hope on me was never at all,lest her ability to even think i would do something for her is close to zero.i admit,i am never a complete guy compared to others.other guys change and hopefully change for the better.how funny that i used the word hope.while i just promise her to change and do it for ahwile and just well go back to square one."i feel like i'm the guy in this relationship,i have to tell you to do stuffs".well at the rate i'm going,she will be sick of me.she even is sick of my attitude.something must change.thats why i'm cracking my head to find what solution to take.hmmmmms,quite contrarily,i never seemed to be able to change.all my life i hated myself for the choices i make and those i hurt.i never ever seem to get the guilt feeling out of me somehow.in my mind,its always been a whirlwind of thoughts and somehow like convolusions of the present state of my mind.i guess in dreams is where i can fully find inner peace and away from the realities of me.its hard,but i should really find a solution and fast.i wonder how long she got before she's sick of me.

i sometimes feel like complaining all my pains is like of no use as i deserved it.scratch,brusies,cuts,dislocate and all those stuffs are like payback and learning points.i cannot change or ove without pain.i would like to change,dont get me wrong,but at the rate im going,it just kills me to see her in tears.funny how i can stay late in the morning and running on a fever of 39.1 and just acccompany her while a small simple thing she asked me to do and i cannot do.i'm a dumbass.truth be told,i think i nid a smack on the head.i really am sorry for all the pain and suffering i caused her.i feel like poking needles in my hand right now.but i cant.i do not want to see her even more sad.my heart is confused,hurt,dissapointed,angry and restless.not at her but to myself.i can only pray and hope.hope is a funny thing actually.it fills us with sentiments and a so called standard.but it can break and kill you at the spot.if you're reading this sayang,im really sorry.i guess sorry lost it meaning when it comes to me.and do not worry abt me.i want to change for you.i really do.but hope is better put on urself than put on me before i earn it.

"Science cannot create hope,but with hope we can create science".

{/3:46 AM}
car crash love

Sunday, December 28, 2008

I’m so in love with you
It’s like nothing I felt before
I love it when you touch me
And when our lips met

In this ruptured times
I hope you love me forever
Keep my heart in yours
So we will be together always

I wish you could
See what you mean to me
In ink and lines
For you to see

So keep me close
As you are always in my mind
Don’t lose hope
Im always close

So smile pretty girl
It’s a wonderful sight
One I would relish
For all time…

so the new year is coming.i have so many new years resolution.haha too bad i have to choose one only.gf is going back to skool tmr.i wonder how it will be wen i start going back to skool.im gonna be groggy in the morning again i guess.haha.ilove my gf alot<3

{/11:44 PM}
car crash love


I see the bright light in your eyes
Which shines in the most darkest of nights
It is you who I want tonight
Can you come in my dream and stay up with me?

okays,i guess i havent lost my touch at poems eh?well this one is not a poem actually,just a breakaway from it.well the holidays are going slow i guess?i think this year and next is not going to be a nice and smooth one as the world is in recession,but atleast we all can try to make it easy.and school's in the new year is going to be short,3 weeks to be precise.so i think it will be quite like akward as 3 weeks of skool and then a 10 wek holiday-.-

1.)I love you who who you are
2.)I love the way you play with your hair
3.)I love it when you tie you hair
4.)I love it when you fidle with my hair
5.)I love it when you get all angry over me when i do not listen to you
6.)I love you as you are cute
7.)I love it when you smile
8.)I love it when you make funny sounds
9.)I love it when you make teddy's voice
10.)I love it when you look worried when i'm sick
11.)I love it when you are worried when i'm sick
12.)I love it when you merajok as it is cute
13.)I love it when you massage me when i'm hurt
14.)I love it when you are shiok sendiri
15.)I found love in you which i did not in other girls
16.)I love you as you always come up with lame jokes(but mine is better)
17.)Listening to your stories
18.)Look at your eyes when you are telling your stories
19.)The way you talk
20.)Your giggle
21.)I love it when you hug me tight
22.)I love it when you tell me to not let go
23.)I love it when you tell me 'I Love You'
24.)I love it when you love me
25.)You are my girlfriend
26.)I love it when you take pictures of yourself
27.)When you walk infront at me and look back at me
28.)When you lie on me
29.)I love it when you look at me
30.)When you smile at me
31.)I love you alot<3
32.)You have bantal busok.
33.)You always made my day with your presence
34.)Ilike to smell you
35.)I love it when you wear long skirts
36.)I love it when you wear yellow

i wanted to hit more than 50,but right now i coldnt think straight.i'll add more along the way=))
k people,happy holidays and new year.

{/1:39 AM}
car crash love
